WikiLeaks Vault7 Impact

Are we really surprised about the current revelations behind WikiLeaks Vault7? It confirms that the US government has secret hacking tools like everyone else. Are they the only ones who have these tools? We will discuss the Dark Web hackers and the government-sponsored hacking advances. Most importantly, how does it impact our privacy at home and within our companies. What do we need to do to stop this type of unwarranted exploitation?

Alex Holden | March 21, 2017 | 57 min

The State of Cybersecurity in 2017

Join us in discussing the state of cyber security in 2017. What are current threats, pitfalls, and the myths hindering our defenses. Learn advanced techniques of defending your enterprise security and making it an undesirable target.

Alex Holden | Feb. 23, 2017 | 59 min

Stolen Credentials – #1 Cyber Threat Today

Over the past several years Hold Security has seen hackers traffic 5 BILLION unique, unencrypted stolen credentials on the Dark Web. Hackers use some of these credentials to breach the most trusted systems and commit the most heinous cybercrimes. Join us to learn about the process of recovering stolen credentials from the hackers and alerting the victims.

Alex Holden | Feb. 7, 2017 | 60 min

What Did Russians Really Hack?

Almost every news story about cyber security today starts with “the Russians did it!” Did the Russians hack the US elections? Do they regularly steal our data? Who is behind of all the hacking? We will take an insider look at the Russian hackers and try to delineate their ill gains and techniques. Most importantly, what will they do next?

Alex Holden | Jan. 18, 2017 | 58 min

Yahoo! Breaches Continue – What to Expect Next from Yahoo

Yahoo closed 2016 with another revelation about their poor state of security. This time they admitted of losing all their user credentials in 2013. Adding to Hold Security’s previous intelligence from the 2014 breach, Alex Holden, CISO will discuss exclusive details about situation with Yahoo. Yahoo! Breaches Continue – What to Expect Next from Yahoo

Alex Holden | Jan. 3, 2017 | 46 min
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