Threat Intelligence Services

Our services include:


This should be the first question that you ask. Our Threat Intelligence and Dark Web Monitoring services are designed to help you protect your brand, your data, and your reputation.

As a leader in Cyber Threat Intelligence, Hold Security has played a pivotal role in identifying major threats and breaches over the past decade. Our Threat Intelligence Services have identified and contributed to the investigation of many high-profile breaches, while minimizing or successfully mitigating major cyber threats for our clients.

Using standard and unique vantage points which are comprised from unparallel work in human intelligence, technology, and artificial intelligence, our visibility into Dark Web activities will allow your company to stay ahead of major cyber threats.

Threat Intelligence Services

We guide our clients by helping them evaluate the most essential threats against their data. Most engagements begin by helping our clients understand which threats are critical to their organization and would cause the most overall damage if compromised or exposed. Next, we may provide advice on methodology to keep their most critical data secure. It is vital for all organizations to keep improving security within their perimeter, but malicious actors are persistent and even the most secure companies experience breaches. In the unfortunate event where your data does escape your perimeter, you can count on our experience and expertise in Threat Intelligence to help you stop or minimize cyber-threats.

We offer standard services and can also design custom solutions to fit your organization's particular needs.


Hold Security’s Credential Integrity Service is the largest and most effective stolen credentials recovery service of its kind. We have recovered over 21 billion unique unencrypted records and over 100 million new credentials are recovered every single month. Our service aims to help companies of all sizes and profiles to assert their data integrity. We monitor the Dark Web for stolen credentials that belong to your company or customers and provide alerting and intelligence services around this data.


We monitor and research our Dark Web sources to identify potential threats facing your company’s brands, services, end-users, vendors, or employees. Collected information may include, but is not limited to the following:

Impersonations, Phishing, Spam URLs
Impersonations, Phishing, Spam URLs
Fraud and Abuse of your data or business processes
Fraud and Abuse of your data or business processes
Malicious chatter regarding your company, its brands, systems, and supply chain
Malicious chatter regarding your company, its brands, systems, and supply chain
Exposed or stolen data trafficked on the Dark Web
Exposed or stolen data trafficked on the Dark Web


Your organization may be a direct target of threat actors or susceptible to threats may affect your industry as a whole. Hold Security can provide your company with Industry Threat Intelligence gathered from our Dark Web sources. We search for intelligence on specific industries and relay all relevant data back to our clients. Knowing if hackers are lurking in your neighborhood can help you prepare against possible attacks.

Industry threats are analyzed and extrapolated to determine the possible impact to your organization. We can provide intelligence on cyber criminals, APTs, nation state sponsored threat actors, vectors of attacks, as well as what type of data they are targeting. We send out near real-time alerts on major breaches, trends, and/or discovered exploitations. Briefings include operational intelligence mitigation strategies, access to raw data (if applicable), and any other pertinent information.



Hold Security offers a set of services to help maintain your organization’s integrity. We use all available sources to gather intelligence and monitor your company’s brands, products, services, key executives, vendors, partners, and more. This holistic monitoring of a company and its reputation often identifies potentials for data leaks, threat vectors, and possible exploits. Monitoring may be extended to look for possible threats of corporate espionage facing your company.


Hold Security can gain access to communication channels and tools threat actors use to carry out their attacks. By leveraging this access, we can gather intelligence and recover stolen data related to your organization, employees, or customers. Being privy to this type of information will allow your company to stop or minimize a breach, as well as remediate vulnerabilities more effectively.

Our Most Common Sources of Intelligence Include:

Dark Web Forum Access

Our analysts leverage access to private forums frequented by cyber criminals and identify any data pertinent to your company and its stakeholders.

Chat Channels

We monitor a number of real-time communication streams between notorious individuals and/or groups, who may be exchanging information affecting your organization.

Ransomware Monitoring

Hold Security continuously monitors most ransomware groups, not only in their public channels but also within their private and hidden profiles. Our intelligence encompasses ransomware group profiling and investigations, early warnings and notifications of ransomware attacks, supply chain monitoring, and data analysis. This combined with our extensive experience in working against ransomware threat actors could prove to be a pivotal factor in enhancing your defense strategies or incident remediation efforts.

Botnet Monitoring

Hold Security gains access to many high profile botnet command-and-control (C2) servers, which contain data collected from infected systems exploited by viruses, malware, or other malicious methods. As with our other sources, we can recover stolen data related to your company. Data from this source is usually highly detailed and may include:

  • History of access to and from your domains
  • Infected systems names and IP addresses
  • Data captured through key loggers
  • Browser information/history
  • Credentials used to access systems and resources
  • Dates of malicious activity
Domain Name Integrity

Hold Security will monitor your organization’s domain name(s) to ensure integrity and defend against cyber-squatting, impersonations, and general abuse. This service includes checks for domain names similar in appearance, registered in countries where you are not conducting business, common misspellings, similar names and other variations. Learn more


Over the past several years, there has been an increase in the amount of breaches involving insiders, and they have proven to be the most severe and costly breaches.

Hold Security offers an extensive range of Employee Monitoring Services, such as Internet behavior and public profile monitoring. Without violating the employee’s legal rights, an individual’s Internet profiles are gathered in order to identify vulnerabilities in the employee’s personal or corporate security. Other factors, such as employee’s discontent with the company, illegal or immoral deeds, threats, or other malicious behavior can also be gathered and monitored to alert our clients for the potential of a breach. Significant behavioral changes can be used to predict potential for discontent, susceptibility to social engineering, or other exploitations.

There may be times when threat actors or malicious individuals target key personnel within your organization. They may have many different motives and sometimes even threaten an employee’s safety. Hold Security can monitor and research your company’s specified personnel, including senior management and executives, to identify and analyze any potential threats directed at specified personnel or the organization. Coverage may range from general identity management to comprehensive executive “virtual protection”. Flexible and customizable options are available based on your desired coverage and specified monitoring components.

No matter the size of your company or your security budget, Hold Security’s Threat Intelligence Services are designed to protect what is most important to you and your organization.

If your company is ready to move into the future of security, we are here to help.

CONTACT US for more information.

Solutions Threat Intelligence Services Credential Integrity Service Domain Integrity Service Information Security Assessment Services Incident Response and Investigation
1 (414) 678 1414
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