Dissecting Cybercrime – Journey of a Stolen Credit Card

Dissecting Cybercrime – Journey of a Stolen Credit Card

We often don’t realize the full impact of cyber crime, which then relapses us into repeating the same mistakes. Even large companies do not completely understand how their data and services are being abused. I want to take you on a journey of observing credit card fraud and abuse from stealing a credit card to trafficking of stolen goods. Learning about these vectors of abuse will help you and your organization to mitigate a number of common attacks and abuses.
Alex Holden | 07, 14 2020 | 62 min
The Future of US Democracy: 2020 Election, Russia, BLM, COVID19 & Social Media

The Future of US Democracy: 2020 Election, Russia, BLM, COVID19 & Social Media

In August 2019, Hold Security ran a table top exercise with Wisconsin Ingragard focusing on potential electronic tampering of the 2020 Wisconsin elections by foreign influences. We leveraged our insights in identifying and reporting Russian interference during the 2016 US election to derive critical lessons. The results were fascinating and scary. In this session, we will focus on the 2020 US election through our unique cybersecurity perspective focusing on current events and technical understanding to analyze use of social media manipulations, civil unrest, disinformation campaigns, cyber attacks, and more.
Alex Holden | 06, 18 2020 | 61 min
Phishing and Hunger for Information – COVID-19 Era

Phishing and Hunger for Information – COVID-19 Era

Today, as we are trying to adjust to the new normal, cyber criminals are rushing to take advantage of our drive towards learning. Phishing using COVID-19 related messages is rising to a new high with not only a number of phishing attacks but with a number of victims who are falling for it. We will discuss the new trends and techniques that you should be implementing within your organization to minimize impact of phishing in this new normal.
Alex Holden | 04, 15 2020 | 58 min
Coronavirus Pandemic – Cyber Intelligence Fighting the Virus in Cyberspace

Coronavirus Pandemic – Cyber Intelligence Fighting the Virus in Cyberspace

In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, our society is struggling to adjust to the necessary and unexpected changes. In the information security space, we are prepared for many things, but dealing with a pandemic crisis leaves many unprepared.

Alex Holden | 03, 23 2020 | 61 min
Threat Landscape 2020 – Expect the Unexpected

Threat Landscape 2020 – Expect the Unexpected

Security threats mutate and lately they are becoming more bold than ever. What is driving this pattern? We will examine new patterns in ransomware, phishing, and data exposures that are greatly affecting our security posture as well as provide better guidelines for mitigating these threats.

Alex Holden | 02, 13 2020 | 60 min
Security Mindset – A Journey Toward Better Security

Security Mindset – A Journey Toward Better Security

As our journey towards better security continues, we need to learn from mistakes of the past. We will discuss capitalization on past successful experiences and learn cautionary tales from failures. Secure-by-design is our goal but it cannot be at the expense of user experience or product quality.
Alex Holden | 01, 24 2020 | 58 min
The Art of Stepping on the Same Rake – Nth Edition

The Art of Stepping on the Same Rake – Nth Edition

On the way to maturity, we are to learn from our own mistakes but how well do we do it? Are we also able to learn from mistakes of our peers and our industry? We will examine the common pitfalls and provide actionable advice on improving the information security posture for organization on many levels.
Alex Holden | 11, 14 2019 | 58 min
Threat Awareness

Threat Awareness

Technology and threats pace exceeds our ability to educate everyone about secure use of technology and defensive tactics. We will discuss current threats like ransomware, credentials abuse, data exposures, and many others. We will map defensive techniques that you need to know about these and emerging threats.

Alex Holden | 09, 07 2019 | 60 min
Defending Your Network – Practical Advice

Defending Your Network – Practical Advice

We invest a lot of time, skill, and technology into our defenses yet the hackers are still successful. What lessons can we learn from the recent attack techniques and breaches to make our networks less vulnerable?
Alex Holden | 08, 20 2019 | 61 min
Analyzing the Dark Web – A Dive into a Dark Criminal World

Analyzing the Dark Web – A Dive into a Dark Criminal World

The Dark Web is a dark world inhabited by hackers covertly trading stolen data, information, and unlawful goods, therefore not a place many of us visit. This community of criminals continues to thrive, so let’s analyze this dark world and investigate the systems they use to steal our data and gain a better understanding of their targeting techniques, as well as learn about the Black-Market dynamics. The best way to stop or prevent a breach is by understanding this world of criminals and learn to beat them at their own game.

Alex Holden | 07, 15 2019 | 53 min
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