The simplest way to compromise systems is not by hacking but through use of previously stolen information like credentials that would let the bad guys walk in through the front door and take everything. Therefore, stolen credentials have a high demand on the Dark Web and we are constantly barraged by news about massive credentials thefts. You should be protecting your users from losing their credentials and subsequent abuse. However, you should also protect them against misinformation about “new” credentials cache discoveries.
With 2018 almost behind us, let’s examine what advances did hackers make recently, and what is in store for us in 2019. Join this interactive webinar to learn more about trends in: Ransomware Phishing 0-day Exploitation DDoS, and others.
We try to fortify our perimeter against the hackers. The truth is that some of them get through, and in most dire cases, they take your data with them to the Dark Web. We will discuss detection of the breaches from the Dark Web perspective. What hackers do with your data, and how to tune your tools to detect your breached data outside of your perimeter.
With GDPR present, getting breached not only carries losses due to hackers but the potential of penalties from the regulators and government. What is the best advice on how to deal with breaches, besides not getting breached? Let’s discuss the basics to show a measured standard for detecting malicious events, classifying them, and responding with at most efficiency.